They are used along roads, highways, sanctuaries as well as to sound proof enclosures
They are highly durable and have long life of over 50 years.
They are low in cost compared to steel & Polycarbonate noise barriers.
They have no resale value and hence are theft proof.
There is a lower incidence of fatalities when vehicles crash against them.
Scope and Market size
India sound barrier market size is expanding at a fast pace, as the government has been addressing the issue of vehicular traffic and noise pollution.
Noise Barriers Market size in India is anticipated to demonstrate a notable expansion and record a promising growth from 2022 to 2028, steered by the growing awareness regarding the health hazards posed by continual exposure to high levels of noise. [Global Market Insights, Report ID: GMI2340 ]
Noise Barriers Market size in India is anticipated to demonstrate a notable expansion and record a promising growth from 2022 to 2028